
Friday, April 9, 2010

24 hours

Hey All! We are now in the official 24 hour stretch! You only have the rest of today and Saturday morning to guess the little guys' name. We're picking up two R puppies from Atrus and Peach (one is mine) and a Baker and Fritzie puppy with litter letter V. So if you want to guess now is your chance.

Reeces, Reces, Rhys, Redwood, Ruff, Ripple, Rainard, Ray, Rocket, Reddington, Rojo, Ralphie, Roger, Ronald, Ronnie, Rodeo, Reckless, Reins, Riki-tiki-tiki, Remy, Reagan, Roosevelt, Rutherford, Rudolph, Rook, Rookie, Rabbit, Reindeer, Ratna, Raphael, Roul, Ra, Reedly, Read, Reid, Raise, Ringer, Ringo, Rede, Ruler, Rupertwort, Ray... I'm sure I'll think of more. :)

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