
Thursday, April 22, 2010


Ok, so my ordeal today is not one that I ever want to go through again.

Thursdays are the normal day that the phase report gets sent out. My leader Mary, bless her heart, knows how nervous I am about Freya because of her bow-legs, odd eye, and general distraction of everything around her. So generally Mary calls me between 8 and 9 before she sends the report out. Well, there I was this morning at 8:00am staring at the phone. Then 8:30 came around and I went off to school, still twirling my phone in my pocket. I spent an hour in the library where I checked to phone no less than every 3 minutes. Finally I could bear it no longer and posted something on my facebook along the lines of my head exploding. I don't know if she saw this or if she realized that I was biting my hair and pulling out my nails...I mean, nevermind what I mean, but she sent me an e-mail telling me that she hadn't recieved the report yet. Apparetnly Jim's, he's our district leader who makes all the top dicisions and sends out the phase reports to all the leaders all that, house had a little electirc fire and his electricity was out for the whole day! Well, I was just ready to cry. How was I to know how my little darling was doing?! Well, I was sitting in drama class, my scene had been practiced and me and my director and partner were sitting down talking about things we needed to work on and how we thought Q was a weird letter and all that stuff when I heard my phone buzz. Quickly I grabbed it and sure enough it was Mary who was at that moment with Jim in a few pup evaluations. And guess what...

Freya's in phase 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's still a part of me that wants her to decide that she isn't having fun anymore and come home, but I'm so very proud of her!

I don't have the phase report yet, the whole fire thing, so I'll update the other "F" puppies later and tell you guys what phase 9 and 10 entail. Seeing as there was a puppy meeting tonight, I just got home about an hour ago.

Happy tails and Quiet nights to all. (no whinnning!)
Raiser Erin

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