
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pictures of the "Rs"

I was going to wait until I got the phase report today to post something new. That way I could put Freya's new (or same) status at the same time, but I jsut couldn't wait. I have pictures of all but Reeann or Rheann or however you spell her name and I thought I would share them with you; my devoted readers.

This is Nancy, Belle's breeder castodian, with Regina.

This is Romy. She is being raised by Peach's (The R litter's mom) raiser in Oregon.

This is Rocky in the play yard at GDB. I could have sworn I got more pictures of him because we took him from GDB and met up with his raisers when we got home so they wouldn't have to travel as far, but I can't find them.
Rocky and Regina look a lot alike. They've both got this big, long nose and have really cute expressions. Romy and Rocco look more alike I think. Romy is a darker colour than Rocco, but they both have really square heads and sad eyes. I can't wait to meet them all at Fun Day. Though we may not meet Romy since she's being raised in Oregon.

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