
Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4: Not so Wordless Wednesday (Sketch)

For those of you who are my friend on facebook you might have noticed that last night I was trying very, very hard to write a few essays that are all due on Tuesday. Unfortunately for me I have this really bad habit of procrastinating until the last minute. I always go into my essays and papers with the best of intentions but I will always be proof reading at 4am the morning before it's due. I think it's because I find things I would much rather be doing. Last night it happened to be studying Gaelic (yes, I find this very fun) and sketching out a picture of Rocco. It's not great, but I think it's a reasonable likeness of the handsome boy.

This is the picture I was trying to recreate in sketch form. It's one of my most favourtie pictures of Rocco. He was about 5 1/2 months here.

And now, here is the sketch:

It was pretty hard for me to recreate that wonderful look Rocco was giving the camera. He just has too many colours to properly give him a sketch that shows the full range of facial expressions he give me.


  1. Great job on the sketch! I see the expression in his eyebrows. It really is hard to capture all the expression, isn't it.

  2. That is an amazing sketch! If I tried to do that Rocco would turn into a stick dog I'm sure! haha :) I'm artistically challenged!


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