
Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8: More Pictures

I unfortunately have no updates from Freya or from Rocco at the moment. I know they're both doing well and that Freya sent me a Christmas gift that I'm eager to go home and open. Though, I'll be a good girl and wait until Christmas to open it. I hear Rocco is being an absolute doll which I love haring. I honestly can't wait until I get to go to his graduation...but if there never is one there is, at least, a plan. But there's going to be one. :)

What I do have for you guys are some more pictures I drew of Rocco. I started the first one yesterday while waiting for a committee meeting to start and finished it at lunch today while I was waiting for a friend to meet me at the Hub so that we could discuss the poem we were suppose to talk about today in our tutorial (which I have to say we nailed seeing as we started it two hours before we had to talk about it).

And this second one I started today. It's not the best, but it was relaxing. I absolutely love this picture of Rocco and the face he's giving me. He's just one big ol' ham.

There have been more pictures besides these two but I figure that since I had nothing to post today I would post the pictures that make me very happy that I'm seeing my boy in a little over a month. Can you believe it!? I really can't wait and I think that's why I draw him. In some way I can have him here with me. :) All of the pictures I've drawn, the good and the bad, are now posted to my wall with blue tack so that it feels less drab in here and more like home. :)

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