
Thursday, January 20, 2011

12 Things at 12 Months

So, this is more like "12 Pictures at 12 Months". But I'll still include 12 things. I can't believe that my Boy is a whole year old today. It seems like just yesterday that I was picking up one of the giant "R" puppies from GDB. This boy has taught me a lot even in the short time I had with him. I love him to death and he will forever be "the Boy". I have decided for sure, that unless I'm asked to, to not raise another male. I could say that it's all because I prefer females, but a lot of it has to do with Mr. Rocco. He's the first male dog I've ever owned and the only male I would consider keeping. Contrary to popular belief, I would not keep every dog that crossed my path. If I asked for another male I would be expecting another Rocco and I would get one. Needless to say he's made a big empression on me and, I won't lie, it hurts a little every day that I'm not with him. Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Rocco's 12 Traits, Goals, Accomplishments, and Things I love:
1. He has the weirdest tongue you will ever see. It's like he got cow DNA injected into somehow before leaving GDB.
2. I love his goofy personality. We joke around that Rocky is the Old Man and Rocco is the goofy teenager who will stay out a little longer to "mature up."
3. He's such a cuddlebug! I absolutely love it. I would sit down on the floor and he would curl up in my lap like he wasn't over 60 lbs.
4. He is a sweetie pie who loves to please.
5. He remembers everyone and treats them like his best friend. When we saw Paula without Darwin (who has been retired and is happy being her new pet) on an outing one day, he recognized her right away and tried very hard to jump on her and find the place where she kept the doggie treats. I allowed him to be naughty because Paula adores it when the pups are naughty...except when the pup makes an idiotic decision like chasing her cat. Poor Miracle still hasn't recovered from that episode with Rocco.
6. There's another thing. He's getting better at not chasing cats. He pestered Mia when he was home, but didn't chase.
7. He makes friends wherever he goes because he's such a sweetheart.
8. I absolutely adore his goofy nose. It's just so big, I love it. Especially when he wakes me up pressing his nose into a hand that has flopped to the side of the bed.
9. He has wonderful house and yard manners (though he has to work on playing with dog toys only, not things that other dogs pick up...)
10. He loves to work.
11. Goal one is to make it in to formal training.
12. Goal two is to become the fantastic Guide I know he can become. And if he chooses otherwise his goal is then to come home to me and be the best pet I could ever ask for.

Rocco's 12 Photos
The Day I brought him home.

A few days before I left back to school.Day one at home with me.
Rocco at my Baccalaureate.

and Now.
and Now.
and Now.

Rocco and Rosie.

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