
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Not Really Wordless Wednesday

Why have I put up a picture with a giant arrow pointing to South Korea? Well, you'll just have to wait a few days for this explanation. :) Until then, have fun guessing.

I would also like to honour a great Guide Dog team who will be working no more. For those of you who have ever been up to Guide Dog in California you've probably met Seth and Bamboo and if you've met Seth and Bamboo, then you've liked Seth and fallen in love with the black lab. Unfortunately, Seth passed away recently. The best part about GDB is that we're a family so we all feel as if we've lost one of our own. I extend my most sincere apologies to Seth's family and to all who knew him. He will be sorely missed by all.

Watching Seth and Bamboo work together was enthralling. They really were a great team.

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