
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Puppy Guess #1

Alright Gang! Are you guys ready for another "Good Old Fashioned GDB Name Game"?! Well, I hops so because PWAP is going to be welcoming a new member in just weeks time. Seeing as there hasn't been another new case of Parvo (if you haven't heard about what's going on in the GDB kennels please check out their website to get the latest news on the sudden outbreak) in weeks and those puppies who were not infected went off to Oregon and the ones who were infected and are healthy again are back in California and the kennels and trucks are all disinfected daily and the pups are no longer contagious it looks like we'll definitely be welcoming a new member to the club.

The new puppy will be going to Nancy, Jim, and Alyssa. They are currently raising Danvers, but on the 18th he will be transferred to the new family in our group and they will take on a new starter puppy.

So let's begin this guessing game.


1. This Game will be working in TWO posts. This is the first one.
2. On the FIRST post (this one), you are allowed to guess the BREED of the pup and the LITTER LETTER if you so choose.
3. You can only guess ONE breed and FIVE letters.
4. The breeds you may choose from are those used by GDB (aka: Yellow Lab, Black Lab, Golden Retriever, Lab/Golden Cross)
5. On the SECOND post (which will come when we recieve the puppy information) I will tell you the litter letter and then you will be able to guess NAMES.
6. You can guess up to FIVE names.

Does everyone understand the rules? Alright then. :D Get guessing! There WILL be a prize at the end of this when I count up all the points.


  1. Fun, I never win these - but that doesn't make them any less fun! Oh, and pleased to hear the Parvo outbreak is on it's way out! That was so sad.

    Breed: Black Labrador - Male
    Letters: M, D, L, E, and B

  2. Parvo is always a terrible thing


The pups and I love to hear from our readers!