
Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Year Today

So, Today won't necessarily be a hard day for me, but it is a special day. Today is the one year anniversary of when Freya left for Doggie College. I still remember everything about that day and the memory of placing her in her very own kennel run will always have a special place in my heart. I'm still ridiculously proud of that girl. After I placed her in the kennel it was no longer my choice or even the trainers' choice. It was all her and she chose to become a Guide. It's hard to believe it's been a year since my first turn in date. I honestly hope there are many more to come.

Keep up the wonderful work Freya!!!!

A quick charcoal sketch I did of Freya at...8 months I think. We were working on her statue thing. It's not the best as I've messed up the legs and eyes, but I still like the complete joy she took, and still takes, in working.


  1. Awhh:) I love your blog!
    You should follow mine, cause I'm kinda new at this:( Haha! Your puppy is sooo adorable:))

  2. Aww love the sketch! Btw when you're uploading your header photo, there is a little check box you can click that says "Shrink to fit" and will size the photo correctly so that it doesn't take up the whole screen(22inches). Kind of distracting. lol. :-)


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