
Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Official

I'm officially a part of the Fundraising Team for GDB UK. Hooray! The only thing left for me to do is to have an in person meeting with my district leader, person, thing. I'm pretty excited.

I met to PITs the other day. Denzel and Billy. They were both yellow labs, Denzel is male and Billy is female. Denzel is just a little younger than Rocco, but he's definitely more mellow. Haha! Rocco's a mellow guy when he wants to be, but is a real energizer bunny when he doesn't. I talked a while with the raisers. We talked about normal things like how hard it is to give up your puppy, but you really wouldn't want to do anything else after seeing the good they do. I definitely hope I get to work with these two puppies during my volunteering work. I also found out that Lisa is not allergic to dogs (or cats or horses) so if my landlord agrees (that is assuming we find a house by next year) I might be able to raise a puppy here! Pretty cool I think.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to blogger and puppy raiser Megan. Congratulations!!!

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