
Thursday, April 21, 2011

15 Months

Rocco turned 15 months old yesterday. I was going to post this last night after I got back from the pub, but if you read my College Blog you'll know why that was an issue for me.

Anyway, I haven't really been able to do his "So many things at So many months" for a while because it's hard when you're not with the dog every day. But I thought I would give you 15 Adjective that describe Rocco.

1. Fun
2. Happy
3. Cuddly
4. Serious (when he needs to be)
5. Goofy
6. Hard-working
7. Yellow (Had to throw that one in here)
8. Intelligent
9. Good
10. Knowing (he's got those eyes where you just know he knows when you're feeling bad or unsure)
11. Brave (look back to some of my baseball posts especially the one where he calmed me down when the fireworks went off and led me back to the car)
12. Flexible
13. Patient
14. Special
15. Loving

All of this means that he'll make someone a wonderful companion one of these days. I know that Lynn, Mary, and I all really, really love him. Jim has tentatively set him for a June recall, so we'll see what happens.

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