
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Fundraising Meeting

Ok, guys. The meeting was pretty...well, it wasn't the most fun thing ever, but it was pretty cool. I got to meet a few people with working Guides and a few Puppy Walkers. I had met one of the puppy walkers before. He's got Denzel who is a little younger than Rocco, but he's going back to Forfar for training very soon. He told me about the next puppy meeting they're having and offered to give me a ride if I wanted to come. It means that I would have to miss a lecture or two, but I'm ok with that just this once... Anyway, we also learned about a new radio programme hosted by a blind man. It's worldwide, but I can't remember the website right now, but as soon as I find out I'll let you know. Then we had tea and biscuits and I got to cuddle a really cute black lab female and a little yellow lab female. One of the retired guide in attendance got really friendly with me. She even tried to see if I would give her any of my biscuit. :-D She was really sweet. Anyway, that's all for now! Not a lot of pictures, but there you go.

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The pups and I love to hear from our readers!