
Monday, May 30, 2011

First Anniversary

I've been meaning to post this for a while, but things have been a bit crazy around here lately with exams and my parents visiting. So, whenever I sit down to write this I always realised that I was meeting my parents in a few minutes or that I should be studying for an exam. But, I finally have the time.

So, Sunday was Mr.L and Freya's Graduation Anniversary. It's hard to believe that my first puppy has been an official Guide for a whole year now. Especially considering that no one was sure if Freya would actually graduate. I mean, we all knew she loved to work and loved to please, but sometimes her love for bids, squirrels, and other dogs was a bit more potent. But she did it and I couldn't be more happy.

She continues to amaze me in her goofy moments. She's a very fun-lovin' girl, but when it's harness time she's all work. But I hear these stories about her having a goofy moment and it just amazes me. I'm so glad she's out there working and doing what she loves to do (that's one thing that always made me laugh. Some people come up to you and tell you you're abusing the animal. I always tell them that if they see a working dog you can tell that they're enjoying doing their job and that sitting at home alone all day would make them horribly depressed).

So, a little late, but happy anniversary to my first pup and her person. Hope they have many more.

Freya in front of the Korean War Memorial
Freya on the bus
Also on the bus, but in a considerably more comfy spot

A nice shot of her new Korean sign

Freya watches Mr.L "put". Look at that girl who use to have a thing for balls.

I almost (almost) sent them a paper gift for their first anniversary. ;-)

1 comment:

The pups and I love to hear from our readers!