
Saturday, June 25, 2011

An Inspiration

Apparently I am an inspiration. We were awarded this "Inspiration" award by Elijah and Dembre over at Miraculous Journey. Thanks guys! It's great to be recognized, especially by other service dog organizations. Right, so I'm suppose to award this to 10 other blogs. Hilly's going to help me try and make it to 10.

Our Inspirations

1. Becky and Cricket at Cruisin' with Cricket: In the blogging world these two are seriously my #1 inspiration. I don't know how she does it, but whenever I'm on a downer Becky seems to post a little quote or something from a conference that makes me realise how good I actually have it. The quotes and what not kind of put me back on track and help me keep a positive outlook on life. Thanks you two!

2. Dagan at Dagan's Dogma for teaching us how to do it career change style.

3. My good friend tchristine1029 (not her real name) at Dream.Explore.Discover for smacking us all in the face when we think we've got it figured out. Sometimes, I need that.

4. Amanda and Rio (and Kyle) at Snips and Snails: A Puppy Dog Tale for the great stories about her boys in the class. Hilly likes those.

5. Officer X at Parking is Such Street Sorrow. Really guys, check out this blog. Officer X reminds us all that when we get a parking ticket, it's our fault.

6. Rudy at Rudy's a Guide Dog in Training. Hilly likes that he's so calm around other animals. She says it inspires her to try and be calm too. She's really rooting for Rudy up at formal Training.

7. Ian and Renton at Tales from the Dark Side. Ian is a blind news reporter from Scotland. I started following his blog while there this year. He makes me laugh and his Guide Renton is a gorgeous Shepherd. Before he became a reporter he was an artist. Definitely an inspiration.

8. Rebecca, Ely, and Joe at The Journey of a Southeastern Guide Dog Puppy because Joe is such a good boy. Good Luck at Formal Training next month!

9. Kim at Great Things about Being Blind for her upbeat attitude.

10. Madison at New Miracles because she and I went off to school at the same time and I think have a lot of the same feelings.

Woohoo! We made it all the way to 10! I think I could give this award to everyone out there (because I follow mostly puppy raisers of all organizations and we're all inspiring in my opinion).

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