
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sixth Phase Report

Rocco 4Y13 LAB M 4

Rocky 4Y14 LAB M 4

Hooray for Rocco! He caught up to Rocky! I'm so excited that they're half way through their training already. It's really hard to believe that that goofy boy I left back in April is on his way to becoming a Guide. Belle puppy Eaton was still in Phase 1 this past week and Belle puppy Eli should be back on the campus now.

A shout out to three of Hilly's littermates. Havasu is on this next recall and we wish her luck in her training. Halette and Hanalei are on the Fun Day recall. Good Luck to both of them as well. Hilly and I are so glad we get to see them before their formal trianing begins.

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