
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Phase Report

Rocco 4Y13 LAB M In Class!!!!

Rocky 4Y14 LAB M In Class!!!!

Regina 4Y16 LAB F 0

Hermes 46Y1 LAB M 3

Halette LAB F Spayed and Healing

Belle puppy EATON is in phase 8 this week!!!! YAY!!!! And Belle puppy EPIC is still going through medicals in phase 0. Also, Belle puppy ESTEE has been chosen to be part of GDB's breeder colony! Hooray! Hoping for an Estee puppy when I get home. She's also been at Belle's breeder keeper's home for about a week on a trial. I'm so hoping that Ken and Nancy are going to keep her. I would love to see pictures of Estee's future litters. Ken, Nancy, Belle, and Estee are going to be at Rocco's graduation THIS SATURDAY, so I'll get pictures of them together. *If you know Estee's raiser don't tell her about Estee being on a trial with Ken and Nancy. I'm not sure if GDB or Ken and Nancy has let her raiser know. But I had to share to good news about Estee.*

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