
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Twelfth Phase Report

Rocco 4Y13 LAB M 8

Rocky 4Y14 LAB M 8

Hermes 46Y1 LAB M 1

Halette LAB F Breeder Eval

Belle puppy EATON is in phase 6 today! Hooray! Oh, and remember way back when? When the "E" puppies had just been placed with their raisers and ELI contracted Parvo? Well, a few weeks back he was CC'd for hip problems and guess who he was placed with. He was placed with the vet who saved his life as a puppy. I think that's such a lovely story. I hear he's happy and healthy where he is and I wish him the best of lives as a spoiled pet of a vet.

As of right now, we're really just waiting for "the call" for Rocco. I'm so proud of my goofy boy and I just can't wait to see him again!

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