
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Donation Morning

 Yesterday morning, along with all my other stuff I've been doing this week, I was signed up to take donations in the city center. I met up with my friend, who I was assigned to work with, and his two dogs. Bailey is 14 months and Vale is 6 months. Bailey is off for her formal training this Friday which is, as always, bittersweet. I was going to go to the puppy class this Tuesday but I apparently have an English lecture on Tuesdays from 10-11am. Of course! If I had a puppy I wouldn't mind missing an English lecture once a month for puppy class especially since they record the lectures and since all of my friends are taking this English course as well. But, it's the first lecture so I decided that I shouldn't miss it...but I still have until tomorrow morning to change my mind. Haha!
Bailey (L) and Vale (L). Bailey is such a silly girl. She's a lab/golden cross and sometimes her golden personality shines through. She's such a cute, good girl. Vale is a yellow lab and still pretty adorable.  
Now I have a problem guys. I'm not the biggest fan of this "break" thing from puppy raising, but I figure that it's best for me to figure out my schedule and puppy sit before I commit to taking a puppy to University full time. Only one problem; I met this cutie.
This is Ace. A 5 1/2 month old German Shepherd.

 Why is this a problem? He was such an adorable, sweet guy and I absolutely fell in love with him. I want to request a German Shepherd when I start again, but can I wait until April to get one of these things? I'm beginning to think that I won't be able to do it.

Since I can't speak to the leader this Tuesday at the puppy class I'm going to try and get together with him and talk to him about how to get my house visit done.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no... Once you start breaking it is only a matter of time. lol


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