
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Freya is Three!!!

Happy Birthday to my very first puppy, Freya! Freya taught me so much as a first puppy. She was easily distracted, was over hyper, and was in general a goofy girl. She was the one that started my friendly competition with the our Overload Jim about always proving him wrong. From the first time he met Miss Freya he said that I shouldn't be too disappointed if she was Career Changed within the next few months. Every eval he said that. And now look at her. Best gosh darn Guide around if you ask me! *Smile*
Freya chewing on a Dental Dino. This was always a coveted toy when she was my puppy.
 (Just to be clear, I respect Jim more than I respect most people which is why I feel little remorse for poking the slight bit of fun at him every now and then)

At the end of next month she will be an Official Guide for a year and a half. How time does fly! This means that Freya and Mr. L have pretty much cemented their relationship as Guide and handler. Every time I get an email from the Ls I'm more and more proud of Freya (and sometimes I just have to giggle at what a bad quirky dog she really is).

Freya making a funny face while trying to "kill" her rope toy. This was always the number one toy when she was a puppy. She was the best rope player in the world!
  I tell people often that it took me longer than normal to receive my first puppy, but I know it's because Freya and I were meant for each other. I wouldn't change my first girl for anything...even a full golden (which shows you how much I truly love her). 

It's been a while since she's sent a postcard, but hopefully soon you'll all have an update on her Guiding ways. 

Happy Birthday my first Darling Little Girl!

Freya in her absolute favourite position at work: on her back.
And happy birthday to the rest of Dylan and Belle's "F" Litter; Falla, Freeway, Foothill, and Faulding

*These are pictures I got over the summer that for some reason I never posted. Hope you like them! I think they show off her beauty and her goofiness*

1 comment:

  1. Happy third birthday to Freya! It's great that Mr. L keeps in touch with you and sends photos. What a blessing!


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