
Monday, November 7, 2011

Guide Dog Books

At the moment I am reading two books about Guide Dogs. Well, I say reading. I started reading one of them and downloaded the other to my kindle (Kendall the Kindle) in anticipation of when I would finish the first and be able to start the second. Unfortunately, school got in the way. It does seem to have this nasty habit of getting in the way of my pleasure reading.

Anyway I thought I would give some free publicity to these two books (even though I haven't really started reading the second one yet).

The first is Thunder Dog by Michael Hingson. Mr. Hingson is a GDB graduate. This is the story of his escape from the collapsing building on 9/11 with the help of his Guide Dog, Roselle. For those of you who don't know Roselle won this year's hero dog award. Sadly, she also crossed the rainbow bridge a few months ago. Roselle was the first Guide Dog I ever saw and way back then I wasn't aware that people like me could help train those amazing creatures. I highly recommend buying and reading Thunder Dog. I'm only a quarter through it, but everyday I can't read it is another day I stare at my kindle longingly.

The second is called Scary Lions: The Journey of a Blind Psychologist. This is the one I have currently not started reading so you'll have to excuse me, I don't remember who wrote it. I don't know if he's actually got a Guide Dog, but I'm studying Psychology at the moment in hopes of becoming a blind rehabilitation specialist or an O&M instructor. Reading about a blind psychologist sounded like fun for me. I'm hoping to start reading it soon as I have lost most of my sanity in the past week to overworking and over stressing. Once I do start it, I'll let you know how it is. The title sounds pretty cool though doesn't it?

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