
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Puppies!!!

Again, thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion. All the comments were enjoyable to read and it was nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks that service dogs in training should be allowed to attend school.

Anyway, I can't believe I haven't said anything about the new puppies on here yet but I guess it just slipped my mind. I don't know how it did as it involves puppies, but you know how it goes sometimes.

My group back home (PWAP - we're trying to get 200 fans by January 1, 2012 so if you haven't liked it yep please do) will be adding three new puppies to it in the next month! Isn't that exciting? We have two first time raising getting their very first puppies. *smile* I love it when new raisers get their first puppy. The third is going to my leader Mary. This, unfortunately (well fortunately really but you all know what I'm getting at), means that her last puppy is ready for formal training. Lance will be going in for his formal training on November 28, 2011. That's the official recall date so it's most likely that they will drive him up a few days before. Good Luck Lance!

Now on to litter announcements! The two first time raisers are both getting male black lab "T" brothers from the Flamenco/Athenia litter born on September 16, 2011. We'll have another set of littermates in the club. At the moment that makes for three sets of siblings (Teesha and Tippin, Schroeder and Snyder, and the two Misters T). They'll be arriving on the puppy truck this Saturday! Can't wait to hear their great names (though I hope we don't get another Townsend and Tomales. That would be too deja vu). Mary is getting a female golden retriever from the Preston/Devine litter born on October 8, 2011. Her letter is "N". I love the letter "N". I've come up with so many names for this little girl already. I can only hope that one of them is right. Oh! Guess when Mary is getting Miss N! At the holiday luncheon on December 7, 2011! They always post pictures of the puppies they hand out on their Flickr site and usually their blog. It's be soo cool to see that!

Cracking and yet holding strong. I don't think I want a puppy before at least spring break this year. It's good that I'm able to get my puppy fix through meetings and puppy sitting (though I haven't been able to puppy sit any puppy as of yet). Hopefully soon though.

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