
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Phase Report

Halette     45Y4     LAB     F     8

Belle puppy EPIC is also in phase 8 today. Hermes and Hestia both graduated this past Saturday. Hestia is a breeder and her raiser is her new breeder custodian so I'll get to keep up with Hestia! Hermes graduated as a Guide and is now working in Arizona. I hear that his new partner loves him very much! I guess these "H" puppies really now how to cling to their people's hearts. *SMILE*

I can't believe that Halette is the last littermate in training. I also can't believe that I won't have a littermate on the phase reports for a good 3 years. Here's hoping that I can handle puppy raising and social life! Haha!

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