
Friday, January 13, 2012

Phase Report

Halette     45Y4     LAB     F     8

The next graduation date for the San Rafael campus is January 21, 2012. I have a feeling that Halette is probably not going to make it into that one as the students, retrain and newbies, have all received their dogs already. It's a possibility, but not a big one. So, the one after this next one is February 4, 2012. Keeping my fingers crossed for you Halette! *grin* There's a complete list of graduation dates online. If any of you haven't been to a graduation I suggest you go. Even if you didn't raise a puppy it's completely moving.

I've been wanting to post some pictures of Estee's litter, but she and pups haven't gone home to the breeder keepers yet. Yes, they raise the pups at home instead of keeping them and their breeder in the kennels. I have to say...Freya was better at being crated that Rocco was right from the word go. I like to think it was because of all they do with the pups when they're at their home. We also get lots of pictures of puppies. Freya's welcome pack (which includes a small bag of puppy food, a nylon leash, all of the paperwork needed for vets and such, report templates, her big girl collar, and a few other things) also came with a little envelope with a CD of pictures and how to contact Belle's breeder keepers. Inside was a little note telling me how to ID my pup. And thus started the friendship. They even sent me a picture CD of the "E" litter since I had been hoping to snag Epic and my 2nd puppy. Though I wouldn't change my big, handsome boy for anything. *smile* Oh, anyway, I've been wanting to put up some pictures of the cuties, but they don't have them home yet. Skin rashes or something that GDB wanted to keep them at the kennels for. Which is totally understandable, but I'm waiting on pins and needles to see them! I can't imagine how the BKs feel. Haha! Oh, yes, forgot to say. The letter is "G". I believe all the puppies have been named, but I got to throw in a few suggestions! That was a lot of fun and I really hope they used one of my names. I won't be posting the names until all of them have left for their raiser homes. Don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone!

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