
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Phase Report

Halette     45Y4     LAB     F     8

I know this is a few days late, but I've been quite busy these past few days. Just running around enjoying the last few days of freedom before classes start again on Monday.

I thought I would also give you an up date on puppies in our group. If you look over the right side of the blog you'll see the phase tracker. There you'll see that our little Lance is now in phase 7 of training! Go Sir Lance-a-lot! He's only got one more phase to go before we all start thinking of class dates for him. Then our Danvers travelled all the way to Boring, Oregon to begin his training and is now in phase 1 which means he has passed his medicals! He's one of those puppies that we knew he'd make it if he passed his medicals so we just have to sit back and wait now! Good job LANCE and DANVERS!!!!

Now on to the "T Sisters", Teesha and Tippin. They had an eval on Wednesday and the all mighty Jim proclaimed that they were doing wonderfully and would be ready to go back for training whenever they were recalled. Hooray for Teesha and Tippin!!!! They are both on Breeder watch so we're hoping to get our first breeder out of one of the girls! (Still a little sad that it wasn't Freya, Rocco, or Hilly but I love that my first two babies are guiding and that my last one decided to be a mooch for the rest of her life. *smile*)

That's kind of it for the puppy group back home. I miss all the puppies and all the people a whole lot. I think my missing of them will lessen if Graham decides to let me have a puppy in March.

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