
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"I'd be happy with you getting a puppy in March..."

Those were Graham's exact words! To say that I'm a little excited would be a bit of an understatement. I'm so happy that I finally asked about getting a puppy of my own. He asked if I had any questions and I said no because I couldn't think of any. But of course as soon as I got home I thought of a thousand and one! Haha! They're just things that I automatically assumed would be the same here as they are at home and realised that they may not be. So, I'm writing out and email to send to him with the various questions.

Besides getting that good piece of news today I also finished up the boarder's agreement which means that Vale can come of an extended visit now. We've got one set up for about a week in the near future. *grin*

I don't know exactly when I'll be getting or what breed, but I know that near the end of March I'll be getting a new puppy to raise and mold into a good Guide.

I also thought I'd share this link. Reann's first litter is up on the Guide Dog Blog! The sire was "Alonzo" who was actually raised by the other group in town! Enjoy looking at Rocco's neices and nephews!


  1. Our club is getting a puppy from the Alonzo x Reann litter! :) It will be a little female black lab. She is arriving this Sunday.

    1. Shelly, please, please, please take pictures for me! My email address is If you could send me some pictures and the name that would be wonderful and you would be my hero!

    2. I can do so! I'm hoping to make it to the truck to get some actual pictures but we will see how my Sunday plays out. :) If not, I know some other people from our club are going so I can get the name and pictures for you! It is their first puppy so they are really excited.

  2. Yay for getting the official "Ok" for a new puppy! I can't wait to hear all about it!


The pups and I love to hear from our readers!