
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Date Possibility!

I got a phone call from Graham today about a possible date for the puppy to arrive. He said that there was one available for delivery on April 11, 2012! That's two year (plus a day) since Mary and I picked up Rocco from GDB. I think it's a perfect date for the puppy to arrive. Kind of like an anniversary present or something. Haha!

He also gave me a name! *big grin* But I'm going to keep that a secret until the puppy gets here. That way we can have a name game!

We'll see when things are more official.


  1. Yay how exciting im guessing a girl golden or german sheperd right now for sex and breed

  2. That's the same week (possibly) I'll get my lab puppy!!!

  3. How exciting for you! It will be fun to hear about the differences of raising a pup from one school to another.


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