
Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Much Needed Update

Sorry for being a little absent over the past week. I've been enjoying my spring break by sitting around playing computer games and watching TV all day. OK, I've actually been spending and hour or two a day on school work, but you all get the idea. It's been nothing but relaxation. In fact, I've been so relaxed that I forgot to renew three books online from the library on the day I was suppose to pick up my mother from the airport. *sigh* I guess that was one thing on my "to do" list that didn't get done. Oh, well. Nothing to be done now except pay the fine and get on with it since I have no one to blame but myself.

Anyway, I thought I would share a few updates. Some of them are good and some of them aren't so good.

First, Danvers from my puppy group is graduating today with his blind partner from the Oregon campus! Congrats to him and his two family raisers. I knew from the start that he was one of those puppies who, if he passed the medicals, would go on to be a Guide. He's just such a wonderful boy and his partner is super lucky to have him. I also hear that he is super lucky to have his partner. Apparently, his new partner is a wonderful guy. He'll be following Pauli and Rocco to Canada. That makes him our third puppy in a row to be placed in Canada. *grin*

Next, little Teesha was Career Changed about a week ago before going into harness training. She was apparently have some inappropriate people reactions in the kennel and she started baulking when going into the vet's office (which is pretty funny because her raising family owns a vet clinic). We like to say that she knew that's where she was spayed and definitely didn't want to go back there. Haha! Her raisers adopted her and will be taking a break for a while since they now have two Career Changes and a few pet dogs and cats. Hopefully, this summer Hilly and I will be able to get together with both Rockford and Teesha. The two "T" sisters loved Hilly.

Thirdly, there's our puppies still in training. Lance *finally* made it back into phase 8 after being dropped back to phase 7 for six weeks! Hooray! We're hoping that Mary will get the call in the next few weeks about him being in class. Hey, they obviously saw something special in him to work so hard with him. Then there is Stuart and Tippin. They are both in phase 4. That's half way there for both of them! Go pups!

Finally I'll update you on my situation.

As April 11 draws nearer I am finding myself regretting not keeping Indie. I know it was the right thing for him, but I'm missing him. Isn't that funny. I'm missing the puppy I never got to meet. I'm thinking about asking to borrow Frankie for a day so I can have a baby around even if it is just for a little while. There is another reason I am regretting not taking Indie besides me missing him. You see, we're looking to move next year. Not because we don't love this place, but because we know of a four bedroom house that is super close to campus and is about 100 pounds cheaper a month in rent that what we're paying now. We are friends with the people who will be moving out of "#11" so we know what the house's problems are and what benefits it provides. Now, we also know that the current tenants have a pet dog. You guys might remember Qualia, well she lives in this house. Because of this, we all assumed that my condition of "the new house must allow me to keep my puppy" would be met. I figured I would have to pay a deposit or something, which I was fine with. Well, the landlord is now saying "no pets of any kind." I'm more than a little bummed. Rented places in Aberdeen are hard to come by and this one is perfect in every other way. Plus, I would save over 200 pounds a month in rent and bills. It's really an opportunity that I can't pass up. Not only because of the savings but because it's the only other 4 bedroom house on the market that is within everyone's budget and if I backed out now two of my friends wouldn't have a place to live next year.

I think what bothers me most about it is this. The landlord is worried about the smell. That's fair enough. Any house with a dog has a distinct odour. I'm very aware of this and I'm very aware that I am renting. So, when there's a dog over here I sweep everyday and vacuum as often as it needs. I also bathe my dogs at least every month not only to keep them clean but because part of their job is going into public. I want my dogs to offend as little as possible. Which means good and frequent grooming. So, while I can't erase the smell I can certainly lessen it. But, here's my real issue, one of the current tenants has not cleaned his room since moving in last summer and whenever the door is opened a sickly smell wafts through the house. I swear, it smells worse in that room than a house with a dog has ever smelt. Especially if the house is cleaned on a weekly basis. I've never had someone cringe when I opened the door to my house. Lisa and myself almost threw up when his room door was opened. If the landlord is so worried about smell, he should have kicked this guy out a long time ago. At least we would keep things cleaned.

Anyway, I've asked the landlord if it would be possible to keep my boarder status because having one dog for less than a week every other month probably would not make the house smell. It would give enough time between sittings to air the whole place out. But, as it stand right now, I will not be getting Guide Dog Puppy #4 in the near future. We'll see if this new landlord turns around and says "yes" but it's looking unlikely.

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