
Friday, April 27, 2012

Some Good News

Well, we got the house. That in itself is some good news since we all now have somewhere to live next year. The house is small, but it's a nice kind of small. It has three large bedrooms and one medium sized bedroom and a bathroom with no bath tub. The no tub thing is actually the only part of the house I'm not fond of. I really like taking my books and taking a long, bubble bath. Oh well. The house is also right next door to some of friends and a short two to five minute walk from campus depending on where you need to be on campus.

I like the house and I'm super glad that the lease is being drawn up as I type. Hopefully, this will be my home for the next two years.

Now for the really good news. I asked the landlord about puppy raising again. And, before anyone gets too excited, no I didn't ask whether I could raise a puppy full time. I asked if I could keep my status as Boarder. He said that he would be fine with me watching a dog from time to time! Which means that I won't have to be completely puppyless for the next two years!

Not only is this good news because I will be able to get a puppy fix from time to time, but because it means that he might be open to the possibility of me having a full time puppy in the future. I might bring it up with him before the Winter Holiday. I think that if we prove to be clean tenants he might open up to the idea.

I have a theory that him finally meeting us helped him see the kind of tenants we would be. We were discussing the state of the house at the moment (let's just say that it had been cleaned and was still what I would call a complete mess) and I said, "If they would just vacuum it would look so much better. I mean, it's not hard to take twenty minutes out of your day every two or three days to pick up all the fur." I think the landlord picked up on my exasperated tone. In all honesty, I wasn't even trying to make a good impression or try and persuade him to allow a puppy. It's who I am. I let things get a little the few days before a deadline, but that's about it. I just like things clean...

Anyway, that's my good news for the day.

Oh! And I can start planning my summer travels! Who knows where they'll take me? *grin*

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