
Monday, May 21, 2012

Congrats are in Order

I just wanted to say congratulations to my friend Alicia. She's been waiting for such a long time, but it's finally happened. Yesterday, HANK was transferred to her as her first puppy to raise for GDB! We're so happy that Hank gets to stay in the group and I'm so happy that she is an official puppy raiser. Alicia went to UHS as well, two years behind me. Yes, that does mean that she also has just graduated from high school. *smiles* Such a big weekend for her, but I know that she is going to have so much fun with Hank. I still don't know if I'll end up back home after I finish my degree here, but if I do I hope she's still raising then.

Anywho, just felt I should say congratulations. *grin*

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