
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Puppy Group Updated

I know I've been a little M.I.A. recently, but I suppose that's what happens when you're busy. I got home (as in USA home) last Monday and I have some great pictures of Hilly and Fienna when Fienna came over for a play day. But, I'll have to post those up tomorrow or Thursday because today's post is all about Terrence.

Terrence was a male black lab who was a part of my puppy group until mid May when he was transferred to Lynn (Lynn you might all remember was who finished Rocco). Not long after his transfer he was Career Changed. He's just one of those dogs who just wasn't ever really meant to be a Guide Dog and he made that very clear. It's definitely always better that that happens before they go back for training. Anyway. his raiser here decided to put him up for community placement in hopes that he could become a different kind of service animal.

Now, have you ever met one of those dogs who are obsessed with nearly everything they can play with (and some things they can't) and are semi impossible to handle? Well, that was Terrence. A wild child. What Freya could have been had she not decided she liked Guiding (hooray for super duper hard puppies as first puppies!). Of course, you may wonder, what kind of service animal could he be as he is so hyper and so obsessive? A Search and Rescue dog of course!

We got word about a week ago that Terrence had passed GDB's search and rescue dog evals and that he would be heading for his official test. About a week after that we heard that he passed his official search and rescue dog test and would start training immediately! So, Terrence is now in training as a Search and Rescue Dog with the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (NDSDF)! It's a huge achievement because the NDSDF only have about 20 working dogs at one time so they're super picky. Terrence is also the first PWAP puppy who has been chosen as a Search and Rescue Dog!

I think it just goes to show you that every dog has their calling. Good Job Terrence!

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