
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A New Blog

I was going to post something up about Fun Day today, but I think it has to wait. I'm still trying to organize it to where I don't seem like I'm rambling. So, instead I thought I would share a blog with you.

Today is Dog Day for the students who are currently in class on the California campus. Dog Day is the day that the students meet their new partner for the first time. It is a day filled with high emotions. For some, they are wondering if they will love this new dog as much as the last and for others I'm sure it's a day that will go down as "one of my most memorable days" as they prepare to meet their very first Guides. For raisers with puppies in phase 8 of formal training this whole week is filled with anticipation as we wait to hear if our puppy is officially "In Class."

For this particular woman, today is not only the day she meets her next Guide but also the day she meets her first Guide from Guide Dogs for the Blind. I have followed her journey since she applied to Guide Dogs and have felt all the doubts and uncertainties that goes with making such a huge decision. I have also seen her overcome many of them.

This is her blog. It's called Six Feet Over and so far, she makes me smile. Seeing someone who is so happy, so excited about getting their new Guide really makes the whole puppy raising thing worth while. Whoever's puppy is matched with her is a very lucky puppy raiser indeed.

I hope you all join me in wishing this most recent class of Guide Dogs for the Blind a happy Dog Day and a successful three weeks of training!

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