
Monday, January 21, 2013

A Belated Birthday for Rocco

I didn't get a chance to post this up yesterday since I was pretty busy. But yesterday was the boy's 3rd birthday! I can't believe he's already three and has been working for almost a year and a half. It feels like only yesterday that Mary and I drove up to Guide Dogs to pick up our Mr.R, his brother, and a Mr. V.

I remember the sleepless nights of the first few months as Rocco adjusted to his crate and had his vomiting problem. I remember stumbling out of bed in the morning after only an hour of sleep with every intention of roasting him on a spit in the front yard. Then I would open the kennel and that sweet boy would bound out, give me a kiss, and go sit by his leash by the door and all I could think was, "Ok, may live another day." And that is how his nickname of "boy" was born. He grew to be an amazing dog!

Happy Birthday Rocco!!!

1 comment:

  1. I completely know the feeling of wanting to roast the dog on the spit when they wake you up at four in the morning. But their worth all the hard work and sleep deprivation. :)


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