
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Relaxing Day

 * Written by Frankie *

After a few very long days of two hour lectures and hours at the office and food shopping, today was a nice relaxing day. Just a sort one hour lecture and three and a half hours at the office then home to relax. Auntie Erin had a headache so we sat around the house just lounging. I did try and make her feel as best as I could. I accomplished this by promptly picking up my squeaky, felt ring and flinging it into her lap hinting for a short, indoor game of always makes me feel better. She seems to be feeling better now at least.

Tomorrow sounds like it will be another short day. I like short days.

Below you can see some pictures from this afternoon at home. Why yes, I am incredibly handsome.

Frankie, male yellow lab/golden cross
Frankie, male yellow lab/golden cross smiling at the camera
Frankie, male yellow lab/golden cross smiling

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