
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday Hilly!

So, yesterday was Hilly's 3rd birthday. I was able to post up a facebook status about it, but I was just too busy yesterday to write up a post about her third birthday yesterday.

I remember the day I met Hilly. She was my first puppy truck puppy so I was expecting to stand in front of the truck and have her be walked down the stairs to my waiting arms. Or at least my waiting leash since she was a transfer puppy. I finally experienced that giddy anticipation before the puppy truck came through through. I was even there an hour early just in case. Instead of watching her come off the puppy truck we were standing around waiting for them to finish relieving the in for training, career changed, and transfer dogs who weren't making their final stop there when one of the drivers came over with a black lab. I ended up having to ask if that was Hilly instead of being asked. I'll be honest, it was a little bit of a let down compared to everyone else's puppy truck experience. But it definitely wasn't a let down in terms of finally getting Hilly. She was everything that I imagined.

Hilly was a challenge. I worked super hard with her and got amazing results from that little labby who just wanted to please, have fun, and go, go, go. Our bond formed quick and strong. When it was finally decided that she wouldn't become a Guide Dog, I really was devastated. The thought that I might never see her again after only just meeting was something I couldn't bear. Luckily, I have great parents who took her in for me until I get done with University.

I like to say that I set out to fix Hilly so that she could change someone's life, but she ended up deciding to change mine. I can't imagine my life without her.

Just one more birthday away from each other.

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