
Sunday, April 4, 2010

I can really...


It's Raiser Erin. I'm suppose to be doing work. You know homework and all that jazz. But as a senior in her last month and a half of high school it's already hard for me to focus. Right now it's darn near impossible. It's now less than a week until Mary and I head down to GDB. If fact, if you don't count the two and half hours or so until I go to bed and the first few hours of Saturday morning then it's only five days. But I'm sure they'll just drag on.

What I have been able to focus on is puppy proofing my room. As I've sorted, picked up, and thrown things away I have had a revelation. Either it was a miracle that Freya never had a blockage or she was the best puppy ever. I like to think it was the latter. Seriously though, there was so much paper and other things all over the floor. She never ate paper or anything. I can't begin to put into words how weird it's been without a dog every morning. Some mornings I still head out into the backyard first thing. :) Sleep stays with me for a while.

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