
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Three More Days

Today is Wednessday. Tomorrow is Thurday. Then Friday and finally Saturday. Saturday, as most of you know, is the day we go up to GDB. I'm a little worried about this. Not because I don't want another puppy because I really do! I'm very excited to get Little Yellow. That's what I've taken to calling Mr. R. And it's not because I'm worried about having three puppies in the car on the way home. In fact, I'm really excited about that too. We're picking up two Atrus and Peach puppies (both the brothers) and a Baker and Fritzie puppy. I think that's one's a male too. Nope, it's not because of any of this. It's because I don't want to see Freya and I don't want her to see me. I thought about asking Mary and Brenna to go in their and get the puppies without me. But that was when we were only picking up two puppies and before Belle's litter when back into the kennels. I'm looking forward to seeing them (Belle's E litter) when we go pick the puppies up on Saturday. Maybe I'll just be real quiet when we walk in. Or I'll ask someone if Freya is in the first few kennel runs and if she is I might not go in. I don't want her to be all confused when if she sees me. Not when she's doing so well. :) I think she might get depressed if she sees me take home another puppy and stop trying. And, gosh, it'd be horrible to have her back. ;)

Good thing I have another three days and Saturday morning to think this all over.

I've heard that both brothers are GIANT and both have really cute names. I'm so excited!

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