
Monday, December 12, 2011

Ode to a Kitty Cat

Hilly passing by Sylvester. She respected the old man.
Sylvester, my fat tuxedo cat who came to live with me full time when my mother moved back to Califnornia.
 My dearest will be greatly missed. Your meow was annoying and you could be awfully pushy when it came to food. But you always a loving purr to share when you were cuddled. You were the best lap warmer a person could ask for even if you never really had much control over your claws. I'll always remember your crossed, emerald green eyes and the blank stare you gave because, let's face it, you weren't the smartest cat around. But you were loving and sweet and cute. Sylvester McKitty McBean, I will miss you very, very much and am glad I got to spend the whole summer with you in my lap. I also thank you for putting up with the many puppies I brought into the house over the past 3 years. You handled them all with grace and dignity. Everyone says that you were too stupid to run or scratch, but I know that you were training them in your own way. 

I like to think that I woke up suddenly last night because I knew you had left me and were giving me one last cuddle before you passed over. You're at peace now my little dude.

Sylvester McKitty McBean (? 2003 - 11 December 2011)

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