
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Puppy Party

Today, I'm ashamed but happy to say that I skipped class. Why? Well, because it was the puppy party in my district! Couldn't miss that especially in the last week of school. I'm ok with it because I finished 500 words on my essay this afternoon and I'm fairly certain that I'll finish another 500 this evening before bed which means I'll definitely be all finished with it by tomorrow! So...yeah, I'm allowed to miss a day of classes to have all to myself and the puppies.

I had a great time this morning. I really needed a puppy fix and I had a lot of puppies to choose from. When I got into the car this morning Vale was very excited to see me and gave me some kisses. He's such a cutie. I hope that I get to puppy sit him when I get home from winter break. Anywho, there were puppy games (I didn't partake in most of them, but I had a good time sitting on the sidelines and taking pictures) and then food. Surprisingly, I'm a fairly shy person so talking to people isn't the easiest for me but I also hate being quiet. But just sitting there getting to listen to these different stories about puppies was nice. I met a really cute Golden Retriever/German Shepherd named Zodiac. The really weird thing about him was that he looked all black lab. His dad was an all black and all of his siblings where brindle. If you look close though, his hips are sloping down like a Shepherd's and his face is longer and not as square. But definitely didn't see it at first. I wanted to steal him.

Anyway, pictures for you to see...
Me with PIT Unity. Unity attends the university with her puppy walker so I might see her more often.

PIT Alex. Oh, I fell in love with him. He was just so sweet!
Vale with his antelers on.
Vale and his brother Barnaby.
Remember Ace? He's a VERY big boy now.
 And now to say this. All of my will power is gone. I've officially broken. How and why? Well, there were at least 4 tiny, baby puppies and quite a few puppies who were still a little shy of 4 months old. Just seeing all those tiny puppies made me want one sooooo bad. Don't worry. I didn't sign up then and there and I'm still going to puppy sit at least once, but a puppy of mine own is definitely in the future. Probably not until spring break which is a few months away...but that's only a few months away.

Only 5 days left until I see my little labby again! Can't wait to see you again Hill Billy.

1 comment:

  1. Classes were meant to be skipped sometimes! That looks fun. Good luck on your essay!


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