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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Eli Update

Hey! I found a picture (from his raiser) of Eli at the hospital and I thought I would share it with all of you so you could see him for yourself.
He looks so depressed and a little pathetic with all the IV tubes around him. But his raiser said that he's alert now. It looks like he's going to recover.
I'll let you guys know as soon as I know more. I really think he's going to make a full recovery because he's held on so long and is getting better everyday! :) He looks so much like Freya I can hardly believe it. Not as much as some of her other half brothers and sisters. Zamira(graduated guide) and Rica(phase 10) look so much like her. I think it's because they're both Dylan puppies. But Eli and Freya have the intelligent Belle look.
Here's looking to you little Eli!

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