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Friday, May 28, 2010

Hotel Time

Hey everyone! It's Raiser Erin. Rocco, my best friend Lilly, and I all drove down to San Rafael today. I didn't want to hit traffic in the morning so I thought it best to stay the night in a hotel. So that's where we are right now.

Rocco's having fun checking out his new surroundings. He's sniffing the room from beds to drapes. Mostly though, he's jumping around playing with ten million toys I brought for him. Seriously, he got to bring so many toys. I hope I don't spoil my real children the way I spoil my Guide Dog Puppies.

Lilly and I are trying to find a place to eat that's cheap and not a fast food restaurant. I'm a vegetarian and rarely do a find a fast food restaurant that has anything for me. And don't even say McDonald's has salads because iceberg lettuce and croutons is not a salad. Anyway it should be an adventure. I figure I'll ask the front desk if they know of anything nearby. If that doesn't work then thank God for the invention of the iPhone.

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