Where you come for your share of Puppy fun!

Monday, May 17, 2010

No News

Hey all. I didn't get any news today about where Freya's going to work and who her new partner is. It's strange to think that she's with someone else right now...you know...but I'm staying strong and slowly beginning to realize that she's not coming home. I can't wait to see her!

As soon as I know you know.

Graduation Check List:
Order Photo Book (Check, got word today that it was shipped)
Order Kong and Dino (Check, Should be here within the next week)
Find Grad. Outfit (Check, found the cutest thing at Target)
Fix Camera (must do! Probably Wednesday when I have the whole day off of school)
Write Down some memorable words (must do! I've been stalling because I start to cry)
Make Hotel reservations (must do! I'll probably wait until the end of this week just to be on the safe side. I'm paranoid, what can I say?)

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